About Mirrorscape

Amazing Maps are Ready to Play

It's time to play!  And if you are looking for a quick way to jump in,  there is an amazing group of players who love building and sharing their maps!

To access the maps join our Discord and open the "Map-Sharing" channel. There you will find preview pics and links to shared maps. Click the links from your mobile device and when prompted hit "Open in ARcana." The map will open on your tabletop in ARcana. To save it to your cloud account, click the 3 dots in the upper right corner of the app and it will drop down a menu. Select the Cloud icon. The 'Saved Games' menu will appear. Select 'Save As' and give your map a name. The new map now displays in the Saved Games menu.  Click the 'x' in the uppper right to dismiss the menu.

If you are ready to lead the party through thick forests to that imposing castle remember to take advantage of all the new tools we released last month including hide/reveal assets, Fog of War, grouping and a beacon tool!

 Friends Can Join Your Journey!
About Mirrorscape
April 5, 2023

Friends Can Join Your Journey!

While we have a great way to find and join a game on our Discord, we know many of you want to share your beautiful maps and lead adventures with your
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Every Hero has an Origin Story!
About Mirrorscape
March 21, 2023

Every Hero has an Origin Story!

Mirrorscape was founded by technology pioneers, game developers, and filmmakers—all massive fans of Dungeons & Dragons.
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 Early Access Beta Updates
About Mirrorscape
April 5, 2023

Early Access Beta Updates

During this holiday season we were so excited to see so many of you jump into the beta and get started building and playing!
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